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Publishing a model creates a shareable URL link for your model’s dashboards that can be sent to anyone. Anyone who clicks on the link will see the fund’s dashboard in a read-only mode.

  • Click on Publish from the left sidebar

  • Toggle Start Publishing

  • Some optional configurations for publishing are:

    • You can choose to hide the GP partner return metrics if you so require

    • Security Options: You can set a passkey for your model so your audience will have to enter the passkey in order to access the published link

    • LP Specific Links: If you have defined multiple LP’s, you can create an LP-specific link that will hide the LP returns for all other LP’s. (Enterprise Plan only)

    • Custom Link: You can override the Tactyc generated link identified with a more friendly name (for e.g. your fund’s name). (Enterprise Plan only)

Standard Disclaimer

If you are sharing a forward-looking model with potential investors, please consider using any of the following disclaimers.

Introduction to Tactyc

This model was prepared using the Tactyc software - a best-in-class fund modeling and performance forecasting platform built specifically for venture funds. Please refer to Tactyc's Documentation Center for further guidance on the model logic, particularly the Construction Methodology for more information on the logical flow of the model.


  • Projections are not prepared with a view toward public disclosure or compliance with the guidelines of the SEC or the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

  • Independent public accountants have not examined nor compiled any Projections, and have not expressed an opinion or assurance with respect to the figures.

  • Tactyc or [FUND] has not warranted the accuracy or reliability of the Projections to anyone.

  • Tactyc or [FUND] makes no representation that the financial forecasts will be achieved.

  • Tactyc or [FUND] undertakes no obligation to assess the veracity of the Projections.

  • Investors are cautioned not to rely on the information in making a decision regarding the Offerings.

  • Projections are inherently forward-looking statements subject to standard risks and uncertainties.

  • Investors should verify any issuer information they consider important before making an investment.

  • Investments in venture funds are particularly risky and may result in a total loss of invested capital.

  • Tactyc or [FUND] does not verify information provided by companies on the Site and makes no assurance as to the completeness or accuracy of any such information.

Last updated