Multiple currencies
If your fund has investments where the round currency is different than the fund’s currency, Tactyc can help you manage and track currency conversions.
Please note that multiple currencies is available as part of our Enterprise Plan only. Contact us at if you'd like access to this feature.
Defining an investment round in a different currency than the fund's currency
Open the round you want to edit and select the Round Currency
Enter an exchange rate directly in the Exchange Rate field, or have Tactyc pull the latest exchange rate for you, by entering a Date under the Exchange Rate field.
Enter the investment amount, round size and pre-money valuation in the round currency. Tactyc will automatically perform currency conversion and show you the corresponding values in the fund’s currency
Close the round and Save the investment.
A note on reporting
While the investment’s round is saved under the round’s currency, any reports, charts or calculations that require aggregation or comparison, the fund’s currency is used so Tactyc can accurately compare or aggregate figures on an apples to apples basis.
Updating FMV for Exchange Rate Changes
To update the FMV of an investment and reflect the exchange rate changes:
Add a Valuation Update event after the last round
Ensure the Round Currency is set to the currency you want to update
Enter the new Exchange Rate, or have Tactyc pull for you the latest exchange rate
Close the round and Save the investment
Last updated