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Collaborators are team members who have access to your fund's model. You can control access levels for collaborators to only grant them read or edit access.

Adding a Collaborator from Home

  • From your home screen and click on the Manage Collaborator under Collaborators for your fund

  • On the next dialog, enter the email address of the person you want to collaborate with

  • Collaborators will get an email saying you’ve sent a model to them. Once they login to their Tactyc account they’ll see your model on their home screen.

Adding a Collaborator from with the fund's dashboard

  • Open the fund's dashboard

  • From the left side-bar click on Collaborators

Set Access Levels for Collaborators

  • By default all collaborators have full-write access to all parts of your fund. You can control the access levels for different sections of the fund by collaborator.

Note: Collaborators must have an active Tactyc account. This may be a valid trial account as well.

Last updated