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As a large number of visual metrics on your Tactyc dashboard are computed "on-the-fly" on your browser. not every metric seen on the dashboard may be available via the API.
Please use the provided reports or charts from the fund dashboard to download any metrics not available via the API.
The following is a sample request to query the in-period TVPI for the current model.
The response will provide the following fields:
Status Code: 200 for a succesful response
Start Date: The start date on file for the fund
Period: The current month of the fund starting with 0 as the first month
Metrics: An array of objects representing metric performance over time. Each object has the following fields:
Month: Current Month
Date: Pretty Formatted Date in MMM-YYYY format
Value: The value of the metric in this period
The following metrics are available for access programmatically via our API. These are the metric keys that need to be added to your request URL.
committedCapitalLp: Committed capital from LP
committedCapitalGp: Committed capital from GP
committedCapital: Total committed capital
Investment Cash Flows
newInvestments: Cash flows into initial investments
followOnInvestments: Cash flows into follow-on investments
totalInvestments: Total cash flows into all investments
Deployed Capital
contributedCapital: Total capital deployed across fees, expenses and investments
contributedCapitalLp: Total capital deployed by LPs across fees, expenses and investments
contributedCapitalGp: Total capital deployed by GPs across fees, expenses and investments
Called Capital
calledCapital: Total capital called this period
calledCapitalLp: Total capital called from LPs this period
calledCapitalGp: Total capital called from GPs this period
exits: Exit proceeds this period to the fund
exitRecycledActualized: Exit proceeds recycled this period
dividends: Dividends to the fund from investments
dividendsRecycledActualized: Dividends recycled this period into investments
Management Fees and Expenses
managementFees: Total management fees in this period
managementFeesRecycledActualized: Management fees recycled this period
expenses: Fund expenses this period
totalFeesAndExpenses: Total fees and expenses
Fund Performance
tier0Gp: GP Proceeds
tier1: LP return of Contributed capital
tier2: LP return of preferred hurdle
tier3: GP Catch-up
tier4Gp: GP Carried Interest
tier4Lp: LP Profits
netProceedsLp: Net Proceeds to LP
netProceedsGp: Net Proceeds to GP
fairMarketValue: End of period fair market value or NAV for the fund
grossMoic: The gross multiple for the fund
dpiLp: DPI for the fund
tvpiLp: TVPI for the fund
rvpiLp: RVPI for the fund
Fund ID: Your Fund ID that you wish to pull metrics from
Mode: current or construction
Accum: period or cumulative
Metric: The metric key you wish to pull for e.g. newInvestments
Retrieve performance metrics by period programmatically